Expanding the Circle: Calgary Arts Development

2012 wasn’t just any year for the arts in Calgary. It was the year we celebrated Calgary’s designation as the Cultural Capital of Canada and saw much work go in to beginning Calgary’s Arts Plan. Calgary Arts Development’s 2012 Accountability Report presents highlights from these and other accomplishments, clearly demonstrating that this organization is one that is constantly innovating, evolving and expanding.

In light of this, the theme for this year’s report was “Expanding the Circle” and the basis of the continuously expanding amoeba graphics; first started as a circle and evolving throughout the pages to connect itself to the ideas of creativity and collaboration, and the organic nature of both processes. The amoeba shape was used in various ways to graphically convey facts and figures, as well as add energy to calmer spreads.

This book featured a die-cut cover and four pages filled with event photos that used a contrasting paper to the rest of the book.

The entire document can be viewed here:  www.calgaryartsdevelopment.com/files/CADA2012AccountabilityReport.pdf