Children First Canada (CFC) is a national charitable organization working to improve children’s well-being by mobilizing an alliance of children’s charities, hospitals, and researchers.
The organization had outgrown its website and needed a more robust CMS and customized solution to be able to accommodate an ever-increasing amount of content without becoming cumbersome to navigate over time. So in planning, we carefully considered site structure and how we would organize the evergreen content vs. dynamic content that would be a top priority when first released, but become less relevant over time.
We ensured that all dynamic content was categorized so that it would feed into relevant sections of the site, always being found where expected. We created a Resources section in which reports, publications, toolkits, and videos could be filtered by user type or category, easily accessed even when new resources were uploaded. And finally, we brought the website to life with brand colours, typography, and visual elements, such as using the hand in the logo as a visual cue, calling attention to actions a user could take.
The website is accessible, both in terms of how it can serve those with disabilities, and how it can serve those who speak and read either English or French.