Social Prescribing Report Cover

Canadian Institute for Social Prescribing (CISP)


Anchored by Canadian Red Cross, CISP aims to foster and celebrate practices that focus on social prescribing: non-medical approaches to well-being that make connections between healthcare, social services, and community supports.


Over the last two years years, CISP had been on a journey to better understand and co-design social prescribing in the Canadian context. However, documentation of workshops, webinars, and research needed to be synthesized into a concise, compelling report.


GOOD Company interviewed our client and sifted through raw content to do just that. After the written report was approved, the design began. Social prescribing is very much about a holistic approach to health, so “circles within circles” became the visual motif to represent this. These circles were also split into flower-like shapes, which were used to draw attention to important content throughout.


We successfully simplified the complexity of information at hand while conveying the exciting potential of social prescribing across the country.

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