

Montgomery Community Association

Spring has officially sprung here in Calgary. The telltale signs are popping up everywhere: new buds, bumble bees, and blossoms. Brighter and more vibrant colours crop up in our clothing, produce, and even in our brands. Yes, brands – this is a design blog after

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Sustainability Resources

is about sharing knowledge and ideas, and taking action towards a better future. They are dedicated to building the capacity of municipalities, industry, professionals, academics, and other organizations to participate in sustainability planning and implementation. These are wide-reaching and long-term goals, so do to this,

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Grow Your Good

Grow Your Good Recipient: Calgary Can

In the fall of 2014, we announced the winner of our third annual Grow Your Good contest – a local non-profit named Calgary Can. Calgary Can is a triple-bottom line initiative aimed at reducing waste and improving recycling opportunities in Calgary by collaborating with and empowering informal

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Logos of 2014

We’re looking back at 2014…in logos! Here are the best of our branding projects from the past year. Back to Insights

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Arts + Culture

A new identity for an 80-year old music competition

It’s a new era for what was formerly the Calgary Kiwanis Music Festival. This grand-daddy of regional music competitions in Canada has been an integral part of the Calgary arts community for years. But in 2015, the festival will not only be introducing new competition categories – think rock, blues, folk and

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Arts + Culture

A theatre in a box

It’s family-friendly… accessible to all… and absolutely free!   Nope, it’s not a park. It’s modular, mobile and looks like a photo booth, but there’s no slot for your toonies.  It’s the Nur Box Theatre – a miniature theatre that can be positioned in public and private spaces

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Moms—on political engagement

Just a few weeks ago, as a proud nominee of Calgary’s annual Be Local Awards, we contributed a blog piece to REAP entitled Being GOOD Means Being Engaged. In it, we describe our passion for community engagement as an integral piece of our company values.

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Arts + Culture

Spotlight on the issues

Branding projects are always interesting and one of our favourite kinds of assignments because we get to meld graphic design with the values, purpose, and personality of an organization. Some of the best solutions, initiatives, and ideas emerge from a collective of varying viewpoints and

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Engaging Healthcare Workers

In healthcare – where comfort and approachability are paramount – design focused on patients can tend towards the soft and understated. But when communicating to those who work in the field, there’s the opportunity to go beyond this. Here are three recent projects for the British

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