

Inn From the Cold

For more than 20 years, Inn From the Cold has been supporting homeless families in Calgary communities. At the start of 2016, we embarked on a rebrand project to reintroduce IFTC in a way that better reflected the services it had been offering: providing Shelter, Sanctuary

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10 brands we created in 2016

A brand is so much more than a logo. It’s a story that reflects a company or organization’s values and engages its audience on an intellectual and emotional level. Branding projects are amongst our favourites! Here’s a look at 10 brands we created in 2016.

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3 Things for Canada’s 150th!

    3 THINGS FOR CANADA asks all Canadians to give three acts of service in honour of Canada’s 150th birthday in 2017. We are honoured to take part in this initiative of the Mayor’s Civic Engagement Committee — inspired by Mayor Nenshi (and 3 Things for Calgary). The brand we

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Wonder lives at River Valley School

A school for children, but its website’s users are adults.   The problem to solve was: How do we create a website that is a useful tool for adults, but embodies the whimsy, personality and energy of River Valley School and its students?   Our answer was to create something that is

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Quality Forum 2016

The 2016 Quality Forum brand was created to illustrate this year’s theme; “Growing Ideas for Action”. The Forum features sessions, presentations and interactive workshops that cover topics related to improving quality across the continuum of care. Our concept sprouted from (yes, pun intended) a logo that could represent an “idea taking hold”.

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Three Big Moves toward a 100% Renewable Energy System

Canada’s Climate Action Network writes: “Canada can create a renewable energy economy in the next decade that is accessible to everyone, respects indigenous rights, and makes oil sands expansion unnecessary. It’s 100% possible.”   That inspiring message made it easy for us to visually convey

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Arts + Culture


Our series of posters for  CUFF Docs’ film festival attempts to depict the process of documentary filmmaking.    Our concept was based on tracing the path of a documentary filmmaker as that person follows their subject to tell their story. The patterning is seen from

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Matt Masters Burgener: Taking the fight to Harper

Well, around here it’s no secret that we think it’s time for a change in Canada’s federal government. That’s why we’ve been excited to work on campaign materials for Matt Masters Burgener who is running in the Calgary-Heritage – Stephen Harper’s – riding. Here’s a look at how the

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Environmental Law Centre

Alberta’s Environmental Law Centre reached out to us for help with their branding when they realized that their logo no longer met their needs in a digital environment. The organization was also changing its core mandate from providing unbiased information on environmental law to taking a

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